Thursday, August 6, 2020

create your blog

What do you use the internet for? To shop? Game? Connect on social media platforms like FaceBook, YouTube, Instagram or Snapchat? If you've used the internet for school, you're probably operating in a "walled garden" like OneDrive on the school-issued tablets.  Most of you haven't yet learned digital branding or security. That's not your fault, but it can become your problem if you don't understand who owns or uses the content you create.  The problem with walled gardens is that you don't own your work, and no one outside the garden-- like employers, college admissions officers, and scholarship judges-- can see your work, any more than they can walk into your classroom and see how well you take a test or answer a question.

Spoiler: if you're not telling your own story online, you can bet that someone else is.  It's time to learn how to present yourself in the way you want to be seen, so that your work creates value and opportunities for you.  In the old days, you'd write an essay that one person would see, mark up, and return to you privately.  Now you can write online and get feedback that will actually help you, while your progress and your ideas impress everyone who sees it.

In this course you will create an online presence.  

See the Member Blogs page tab just below the title image?  That is where we will maintain a directory of everyone's blog. (You can get an idea from last year's classes here.)  If you're already familiar with social media and blogging, and you feeling comfortable diving in, go ahead and use Blogger, WordPress,, Tumblr, or whatever platform you think will most effectively help you tell your learning story.  If you're new to this, or you need help, or if any of this makes you nervous, let's talk.  We can do this during the first week of school, or if you don't want to live in suspense you can email me anytime at

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for the win(ter break)

" Why should I do this? He's not even gonna be our teacher next year! " Yeah. And I'm not getting paid to post this on Chr...