Sunday, September 13, 2020

Welcome to Week 5

Hi All,

I hope you had a terrific weekend! I spent much of my weekend reading your writing (thanks to everyone who contributed -- if I haven't gotten to your essay yet, rest assured, I'm working on it...) and improving the course blog experience.

Here are some highlights. Please bookmark these pages and make them part of your routine:

  • All of our recorded Zoom sessions are now on the Zoom Meetings page. If you miss our weekly Zoom meeting, or if you want to review something we cover during a Zoom meeting, please scroll to the Zoom of the week (recordings are at the bottom of the page, below the invitations).
  • If you are making up work and you're not sure about something, you can see a list of everything we've done on the Work Product page.

I also spent quality time tracking down and emailing every student who does not have a blog URL listed on the Member Blogs page. We've been at this for a month now; it's time for you to catch up. Email or schedule a meeting with me if you need help. If you sent me your URL already, or if you think you got that email by mistake, please forgive me (and the internet, and the pandemic) -- then reply and send me the information again.

This week, we will be building on our introduction to Les Misérables, writing about the Preface, and digging into the first chapter. I will also ask you to post selected journal entries, so be sure you know how to scan and publish your paperwork online.

Monday's Zoom meetings are optional -- I'll be online to help anyone who needs it. Please remember to check the daily agenda and write in your journal.  


Dr. Preston

1 comment:

for the win(ter break)

" Why should I do this? He's not even gonna be our teacher next year! " Yeah. And I'm not getting paid to post this on Chr...