Monday, November 16, 2020

welcome to week 14!

The learning gods have thrown us a schedule curveball. No problem. We will start by meeting today (Monday) on Zoom. This is the last week before we have a well-deserved week off for Thanksgiving, so let's take the opportunity to do something great.

Finish reading Les Mis and publishing your first impression posts by Friday.

Over the break, you will write an essay on the book. This will be due on your blog by Monday, November 30 at 8:00A Pacific Time.

In the meantime, please continue writing in your journal each day. You will be asked to post your next round of three favorite journal entries by this Friday, November 20, at 5:00P Pacific Time.

Please also post one entry for each day this week about Les Mis. Details for these will be on the course blog daily agendas, so please read the course blog each day.

Keep up the good work!

Dr. Preston

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for the win(ter break)

" Why should I do this? He's not even gonna be our teacher next year! " Yeah. And I'm not getting paid to post this on Chr...