Thursday, December 17, 2020

december 17

For your MOM: There is no past, except in your memory. There is no future, except in your imagination. Give your memory and your imagination a break and focus on what's real. Right Now.

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tune: "Milkcow Blues Boogie" by Elvis Presley]

A few years ago, a student of mine named Mario gave a brilliant presentation on vegetarianism. In Mario's words: "Cow's milk is great-- if you want to grow tumors. Why are we drinking someone else's milk? The only milk we need is from our mothers when we're infants. If you're going to drink cow's milk, why not rat's milk? Why not gorilla milk? That would make the most sense; we share 98% of our DNA in common." Gorilla milk. Never thought of that. And I'd love to see someone try and milk a gorilla. What are your thoughts on this?


Choose your own topic.

1. Journal / please remember to post your three for the week tomorrow (Friday) afternoon by 5:00P
2. Please post any remaining work on your blog

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for the win(ter break)

" Why should I do this? He's not even gonna be our teacher next year! " Yeah. And I'm not getting paid to post this on Chr...